Intro to “For What Matters Journalism”


Intro to “For What Matters Journalism” 


By Kendall Worth!

I have been writing now for many years, and in now three publications.

My Journalism has been a benefit to the Community because I provide a voice for others on social assistance. My voice reflects those that have no voice to reflect their situation and experience. Here in Halifax N.S. where I live, there is a large community of people living in poverty. Many of these people depend on the assistance and services of the Employment Support and Income Assistance program (ESIA) through the Department of Community Service. They need the support of social assistance to help them live.

However the System comes with a lot of problems:

  • workers are abusive toward clients, especially those who need help the most;

  • full of bureaucratic nonsense and systemic problems with trying to qualify for what support is available;

  • promotes that living life with social isolation is OK;

  • causes ESIA clients to develop depression and anxiety while receiving income assistance;

  • provides insufficient money to live on;

  • requires caseworkers to know too much personal information about you.

This article:  “” tells the story of how and why I first got involved in journalism. You could say that, as I am the only reporter out there that reports on Poverty, Poverty Related Issues and the consequences of people living in poverty through my own experiences, I found a niche in the writers market. Getting to know the experiences of others who are also part of this community is why I got into this Journalism. I should point out this is a community of people who use Soup Kitchens and Food Banks not only for free food, but for getting out and socializing with other people.

Many of the people I advocate for are scared to come forward about their situation themselves. It is often because they have people in their personal lives who are believers in the stigma about them. For more on the stigma I am talking about, see: "

and this article: " .

You see, the whole point I try to prove throughout my journalism and advocacy, is the fact that there are two negative experiences for people on social assistance.

First - the Social Stigma Experience

Second - the Department of Community Services Bureaucratic nonsense and systematic problems.

My past Journalism in the now defunct Halifax Media CO-OP, and especially the Nova Scotia Advocate until the recent passing of my Editor Robert DeVet, brings awareness to several aspects of the above issues.

It is because of the social stigma side that they experience, that creates other personal problems.

See for example: "" and: ""

Just like those two articles, here is an example of something else that that the people I advocate for, sometimes get accused of. . . "" (Note - that last article also illustrates that many interactions are not good for their mental health either!)

It is also because of the stigma that many in the community experience,  that they cannot or will not participate in protests or engaging in other public activities that could improve their lives.

Anyway something else that is sad about wider society outside of the community of those I advocate for,  is that they do not see the bright side of receiving income assistance. For an example See: ""

The second issue I pointed out is the bureaucratic nonsense and systematic problems in Department of Community Service. One of the stories above points out that my "caseworker further questioning my doctor" is a human rights Violation. I want to be clear on the fact that I am not alone in being affected by that issue.  For stories on others who have been affected by what I talked about in this article see: "

also see: "" and here is an article that illustrates how when it comes to healthy meals in general, community services does not look at the cost of food "" is a great example – talks about the cost of Thanksgiving Dinner and how those on income assistance cannot afford that meal. 

Also this story on the same issue: ""

These articles in the paragraphs above, are coming from people who also experienced the loss of Special Diet allowances. The difference between myself and these other people, is that usually other people are scared to take action, like appealing decisions, and going to the N.S. Supreme court,  like I did. Too many people suffer from anxiety and other mental health issues. Too many also live their lives without having good support systems.

Finally for evidence to prove that no one wants to listen when you complain about no one wanting to listen see "" and "

My Journalism needs to move forward! Watch this space for more regular contributions.


  1. Wow Kendal! Thank you! I have missed your voice!

    Rachel Creasor

  2. This is such good news, Kendall!

  3. Congratulations Kendall on opening your new blog! I look forward to reading your entries.

  4. You just got a mention in the CAPE BRETON Spectator so I came to subscribe. There doesn't seem to be a way to do that, even an email list so I know when you. have published something new? I hope that get's fixed... I like to stay in tune with atlantic journalism.

    1. Thanks Madeline, I can E-mail you the link every-time something new gets posted. Send me your E-mail address to and I can send you the link to every article when a new one comes out. Thanks again!


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