When not Keeping your cool can have Potential Repercussions!

By Kendall Worth!

As is my habit, I am writing about Joe, although that is not his real name, and I am also not going to disclose the locations where he was approached by private security. As usual I do not use real names so people do not become stigmatized by others, which can happen when their name is used publicly. In Joe’s case, there is also a second reason for not using his real name. On four occasions he was approached by security guards. In two of those locations, he was approached by security, because they got complaints from the public, that Joe’s behaviour was making them uncomfortable.

Before I talk about those locations and situations with private security – first let me describe Joe’s situation.

Joe moved into a new apartment about a year ago after being homeless for almost 2 years. He had to move out of his old place in February of 2020 because of unpaid rent. Rent was unpaid because it increased from $750- $1500/mo! He continued to live there for three months with his rent continuing to get behind until the Sheriff came to get him out, when he refused to leave, because he had no-where to go.

Between February 2020 and moving into his new apartment in March 2022 he was homeless and living in a tent. He got his current place, where he is paying $800.00 a month, with the help of MOSH. Thank goodness for the rent subsidy he is getting. Without it he would not be able to afford his place. Joe gets the Standard House Hold Rate of $950.00 plus a $265.00 rent Subsidy = $1215.00; then he gets $54.00 for Special Diet Allowance = $1269.00 Plus $40.00 for his phone = $1309 a month. $1309.00 – 800.00 = $509.00 after rent is paid. He pays $47.99 for his Cell phone = $461.01. $54.00 which goes directly to his special diet needs = 407.01. Once a month he uses a cab ride to get his Groceries at $20.00 = $387.01. Oh, and lets not forget his power bill. He pays $100.00 on his power bill on Budget Billing. = $287.00. Now $287.00 may sound like a good chunk to have left over, but really it is just over $70/wk for groceries, hygiene and other personal needs. He tells me that there is NOTHING left over at the end of the month.

Now lets get into the issues of his mental health...

Joe has had issues in the past few months where he got approached by Private Security in two different locations. In December 2022, they approached him and accused him of the exact type of behaviours I listed in this article. When “security” approached him in Location#1 Joe told me he learned the hard way the importance of remaining calm, cool, and collected while they were speaking to him about his behaviour. Joe was sitting minding his own business, when they approached him about what they said were “complaints” about his behaviour. Without getting into the actual details of what he did, in short he raised his voice and told Security in a loud, rude, and disrespectful attitude to Leave him alone! He said it loud enough that everyone could hear him. He said “this is harassment! Stop!” But the good news is he kept himself from physically assaulting the Security Guards, which might have brought a lot more trouble. .

His reaction to Security got him barred/PPA’ed for one year from the location under the Protection of Property act.

Although the reason that they gave for the 1 year bar is because he was causing a disturbance, in is own mind Joe did what he did totally in self-defence because he was trying to protect his right to be in that public place. But security did not treat him like they saw his actions that way. They told him he had a right to be there, but you cannot be using body language that makes other members of the public feel uncomfortable. I should mention that what really upsets him about Location#1 is because they offer lots of free services to the Community in general, and many people who live in poverty take advantage of them. 

 Joe told me that after getting served with the order barring him from the premises for one year, he tried calling the management office to put in a complaint. Because the private security firm barred him he could not go back into the building to speak to management in person. He explained, by telephone, that security approached him and spoke to him about his behaviour. They said he was fidgeting and giggling and behaving as if he was intoxicated. But he had not been drinking and was just sitting minding his own business. He explained the unfairness of being approached by security when he was causing no trouble. Joe got in touch with the Security Guard’s employer to make a complaint as well. He clearly explained to both parties that his behaviour was a result of a security guard approaching him while minding his own business. After management and the employer looked into Joe’s complaint they called Joe back and informed him that people had the right to complain and that they had the right to approach him and to speak to him about his behaviour, because it was making other people uncomfortable. They upheld the security decision to bar him from the premises.

More distressing, Joe was told by management of the location AND the employer of the security guard, that if he continued to complain, he could experience further repercussions, including the PPA being extended, or even legal action being taken against him. To protect him from this, is the other reason why I cannot use his real name.



That is why, in Location#2, when it happened again, he made sure he kept his cool. Like everyone approached by security for these reasons he was offended.

As I said, Location#1 happened in December 2022. Location#2 happened in January 2023.

Location#2 is a place where he spends some days, in the winter months, to keep warm while waiting to go stand in line at Souls Harbour. On days when he has some extra change, he will buy a coffee while waiting to go to the outside bus-stop and catch a bus for that 10 minute bus ride. 3 times in January 2023 he got approached again by “Security” while just sitting down and minding his own business and not causing trouble. He assumes, that, like Location 1, they got complaints that he was staring at people, fidgeting, giving “evil looks”, and behaving intoxicated, even though he was not drinking. He got angry again, but this time did not over react, remembering the importance of keeping his cool. He did raise his voice a bit and tell security “All I am doing is minding my own business, not causing trouble, and I am taking off soon. Leave me alone.” It has happened in location#2, 3 times so far. Eventually he went to the management of the mall and tried to put in a complaint about the Security Guards. The management got back to Joe a few days later and told him the Security Guards have the authority to speak to him about complaints people are making.

Joe told me that when this happens to any welfare recipient, it them make them feel they have less right to exist!

We need to find solutions for this. Maybe mental health training for all private security in public locations?

So lets find solutions!
