Good News arises for 3 Welfare Recipients and their Annual Review!

By Kendall Worth!

In this post, from Feb 26th., I previously reported on the issues arising from the Annual Review of those I called Daryl, Darlene and Shirley. That post includes a link to an earlier story about their fear of the review.

First the Good News:

In the Feb 26th blog, I reported that “The lawyer plans to draft a letter to the Casework Supervisor about what happened and will address the unfairness of the caseworker asking for so much extra information and documentation”

Daryl got in touch and told me that success came from that letter. The Casework Supervisor spoke to the Income Assistance Caseworker, reviewed the file, and determined that all necessary information was already submitted. The Supervisor did still ask for 3 months (not one year) of Bank Statements from the Joint Account they share for household expenses, which were submitted the next day. Daryl will not be getting his income reduced to the $608.00 Boarding Allowance as reported on the February 26th 2023 BLOG post.

This is good news for Shirley because this means for her she does not have to summit a copy of her class schedule or that letter from someone at the university. The Casework Supervisor deemed this information to be unnecessary. Shirley will also continue to be supported by the Career Seek Program.

Darlene was informed by the same Supervisor that it was wrong of the Caseworker to require her to attend the Annual Review. She was told, by the Supervisor, that all she needed to do was draft a letter saying that she is not in a relationship with either Daryl or Shirley, and have Daryl or Shirley bring that letter to the Annual Review with them. Of course that would change in the unlikely event that Darlene becomes an Income Assistance recipient, again.

This is good News for Darlene because this will mean that next year when the annual review comes up, she will not need to take a vacation day from work to attend. The Casework Supervisor said he will make sure that the caseworker dose not require her to physically attend next year, as along as she can draft that letter, and all three of them sign it.

So good news all around!

This is not only news I had to deliver. In addition to telling, Daryl, Darlene, and Shirley, this is of interest to those who have been following my reporting on social prescribing.

I was partnered with someone over the last few months working on this project, but she has recently decided to leave the project. The good news is that two more people have, at least temporarily, agreed to join the project, streamline the details, create a proposal and help seek partners and funding.

As I told Daryl, Darlene, And Shirley this is not a project that can be organized and funded quickly. That is not-so-good-news for them because they were looking forward to having an opportunity to make new friends and make new social contacts, in the near future. I can only offer the comforting words -- “do not worry, we are working on something, and we hope, it is coming”

But otherwise good news all Around!
