Scott's Idea for a Social Enterprise...

This is the follow up to Part 1 of a blog post written primarily by Scott – who lives in N.S.

I [Kendall] met Scott through Social Media exchanges, but never met him personally. He messaged me, one day, and asked me if I would be willing to have a conversation on my BLOG about a potential Social Enterprise. I decided to get in touch with him via E-mail and learn about his ideas. The description of Scott’s living situation and analysis of living in poverty in Nova Scotia is in Part I found here.

These are the next questions I sent to Scott. He answered about his idea for a social enterprise.

#4 - You contacted me via Social Media with an idea for a social Enterprise. Can you tell me about your idea and how your idea can be a potential solution for social isolation, or can fit in with a Social Prescription program which is the topic of some of my BLOG posts?

#5 - Is there anything else you can say about why you expressed interest in coverage of your story/ Social Enterprise Idea for my BLOG?

When you think of Social Enterprise, you think about a business that serves raises money through sales (usually), to meet the financial needs of the cause or organization that the business funds. Although only partly about a social enterprise, when you read Scott's story below you may agree that this is a good idea and I do agree that this idea of Scott's does relate to Social Prescribing.

Before we start with Scott’s answers, I just want to add a reminder that Income Assistance Recipients are allowed to earn some wages, before income Assistance starts clawing them back.

As this article points out Income Assistance recipients are allowed to keep $250.00 a month before wages get deducted from assistance. Most people with disabilities qualify for Supported Employment. They are allowed to keep the first $350.00 a month before Income Assistance starts clawing back. What Scott is proposing would provide an Income Assistance recipient an opportunity to earn that extra money, if not full time work.


Scott’s answers:

Question 4

I will try my best to describe the idea, and I stress that this is still only in the idea stage, though I am better I think talking about it as opposed to writing about it. I must first say that I am not in a financial position at this time to launch something like this, and I am currently in a stage of research and development of the idea and its feasibility. I do have some education (Business Administration Diploma), experience to bring to a project like this, and a desire to help others, but I think it is of a scope that is bigger than a one-man and a garage workshop type project.

I believe that everyone has the potential within to contribute, that everyone wants to be valued and wants to contribute and be part of something greater than themselves. Someone in a wheelchair might still have incredible fine motor skills in their hands, a quadriplegic may have knowledge to share, so many with disabilities have something they can share, but because too much of the world is built around set standards or a one size fits all mentality, the opportunity for them to share is missing. Let’s change that, change how the world is built, or at least one small part of it, so that instead of being one size fits all, everyone can find a size that fits them regardless of the disability, visible or invisible. Instead of looking for someone to fit the position, figure out and find the position that fits, or can be modified to fit the individual.

Some examples of finding a size to fit:

Example 1: Machinery is not compatible with someone that must remain seated or use a wheelchair.

The solution: Consult with the manufacturer and physical therapists, and other relevant professionals (including individuals that would be using it) on ways to modify the machinery itself to be used from a sitting position while retaining equal or better safety systems.

Example 2: The environment requires audible cues for messaging or safety purposes, but an individual is deaf.

The solution: Pair the audio cues with visuals such as coloured lights with various flash patterns for different messages, or a “smart watch” type of device that can receive a wireless signal to vibrate in various patterns and display a message.

The basis of the idea is to create a company, or group of companies under one organization, where the goal is to employ disabled individuals as much as possible. To accomplish this, modify the workplace, with the individual employees in mind. This would include areas of change such as:

  • Physical properties of the workspace, such as wider hallways, ramps, safety rails, etc.

  • Modified machinery/equipment to allow for use in sitting positions, or to incorporate assistive standing devices.

  • The use of technology in the workplace, text to speech, speech to text, alternatives to audible alerts. Environmental factors, clean air, reduce sensory overload (white noise, supplied noise cancelling ear plugs).

  • Trained staff of professionals to guide, mentor, teach, assist, council, facilitate communication.

  • Mental health and physical health professionals available.

  • Modified schedules allowing for extra breaks and to consider outside appointments.

  • Create a work environment that is support animal friendly.

  • Possibly, even drivers to get employees back and forth between home and work, the work bus.

  • Sincere consultation with professionals in healthcare, manufacturing, funding – government or otherwise, safety experts, personal assistants, equipment and tech providers, and the trades on how to accommodate various individuals.

This would be a combination of non-profit, profit, charity, advocacy, social program enterprise, Social Enterprise is the business model that fits it best. Designed to give the disabled the opportunity to earn a fair wage that is above the poverty line, to participate in the social aspects of work and possibly develop friendships beyond the workplace, while at the same time enhancing current existing community supports. The opportunity to participate in the social aspects of work which can go beyond the workplace, I think fits well with the idea of a Social Prescription Program.

How would this type of thing even be feasible and able to support itself? Well, find products that can be produced in these settings, something unique possibly, even something very simple. Create a logo and through marketing associate that logo with positive emotions. Consumers will already spend more on something they think is helping someone else, something that is attached to a cause they can relate to, or “feel good” about contributing. Even a simple wooden drink coaster with that logo and tied to a “cause” would sell for much more than one that has no cause associated with it. Add in the mix that all products are environmentally friendly, produced in a green environment, etc. Make people feel awesome about their purchase.

Fundraising could also be brought into the mix where those that want to do more than simply buy a product to support the spirit of the organisation.

Question 5

My purpose in contacting you was part of my process of developing the idea, to gather feedback and possibly suggestions to consider. Perhaps even to develop some contacts that could facilitate or point me in the right direction for moving forward. Are there other groups that could be good to work with or get input from? Are there government contacts in relevant departments such as mental health, business development, or others?

My impression is that you have your finger on the pulse of the issues present and have a greater awareness of the current atmosphere surrounding it than I do. Since I have always been one to value input of those with knowledge that I do not have, and I am familiar with your activism, it was an easy choice to reach out to you.

I would look forward to future conversations to discuss this matter further, or any matter that you feel I may be able to provide input.


