A bit of Hope Coming for 60% of Income Assistance Recipients!

By Kendall Worth!


So, it turns out that while the government is moving as slow as cold molasses, to resolve the housing crises, it also turns out there some good news on the horizon for 60% or so of Income Assistance recipients in Nova Scotia, who are deemed “disabled”. . As this news release from the Nova Scotia Government points out, these Income Assistance recipients will be receiving an increase of $300.00 per month.

During the past 10 years of so called ESIA transformation we have seen small increases like:

  • A $20 Increase in 2018

  • A $40 Increase in 2020 when the Stand ard Household rate was introduced.

  • Then the $100 increase in 2021 under Ian Rankin during his short time as Premier

This means, that for those who will qualify, this will be the greatest increase yet.

However, the sadness that comes with the news that only 60% of recipients will qualify for this increase, means that many people will be left out of this. Considering that the cost of living, and especially rents, keep increasing means there is need for a general increase, including everyone.

Also there are questions coming from those in the disability community who have seen this announcement. These Questions include:

  • Will only people with certain types of disabilities qualify, or is it going to cover everyone who is on the system who has disabilities?

  • What exactly is going on behind the scene for DCS staff in terms of training and policy development when it comes to making the decision about who is qualified and who is not? Will Income Assistance case workers have authority to overrule the policy decision, on a client who otherwise qualifies? (We know some workers can be spiteful and petty)

  • Are those who work part-time, (but who have disabilities) supplementing their ESIA income, going to qualify for this $300.00 Increase?

  • Will there be any general increase for people who do not qualify for this specific increase?

The Answers to all of these questions remains a mystery.

This news comes after no new announcements about ESIA transformation since the Tim Huston PC government came to power in 2021. In fact, the November 23rd, 2023 news release does not even mention ESIA transformation. But the release does say: “This work is part of a larger series of initiatives planned for the next several years to transform the Disability Support Program and improve the lives of people living with disabilities in Nova Scotia” The Disability Community is asking, what exactly does this quote mean?

I plan to keep an eye on it moving forward!
