Halifax Circus School is an Awesome and Inclusive Social Opportunity in Halifax!

 By Kendall Worth!

As many of you readers know I have written a lot about Social Prescriptions and Social Prescribing and on Mitigating Social isolation especially about the current All Together Link project. I am always looking for free recreation that will help people get connected, and I will be adding opportunities as I find them, so people do not have to rely on soup kitchens and food to make social connections. 

Recently, I learned about the Halifax Circus school and today, I got to interview Mike Hirschbach who is the Artistic Director. Since early December I have heard from several sources about this awesome opportunity to get some social connection. During the month of December I even got to attend one of their Performances. As you will see, in the following interview with Mike they are very inclusive and they work with anyone no matter what your (dis) ability, age or income level. All you have to do is contact them, and they will work with you to make sure you have the opportunity.

Now for the interview!

Q#1 – Can you tell me how the Halifax Circus Program or Organization (whichever you call it) got got started and why you continue to exist today?

Mike’s Answer – Halifax Circus has been around for 20 years and we teach everyone circus skills. We host 10 shows per year with the main location being Saint Matthews Church Gym, however, the Circus does move around to do shows including within Nova Scotia and across Canada. Mike has been involved with Cirque Training and performances for 40 years. He has worked across North America but Halifax has always been his home. He saw a need for quality Cirque training in Halifax and this is why he started Halifax Circus School.

Q#2 – On the night I attended your circus in December 2023, I noticed and I was impressed with the knowledge circus staff seemed to display. Do circus staff have to take any professional training to qualify to do the work you do with participants, and, if yes, can you talk a bit about this training?

Mike’s Answer - All of the circus school teachers do have professional circus training. The teachers have done training in Canada, the US, and Europe.

Q#3 – Do you agree that Halifax Circus has a relationship with terms social prescribing and social prescriptions – Ff yes how would you describe this relationship?

Mike’s answer - We do what is called Social Circus. We have had programs for 20 years for youth with difficulty, and for youth and adults with disabilities. Halifax Circus is very inclusive and very involved in the Halifax community. One good example is we work with every organization in Halifax that helps youth at risk. Their clients, who are youth, come and take advantage of the programs, Halifax Circus School runs.

Q#4 – You may find that this 2 part Question may not exactly relate to the concept of Halifax Circus school. Anyway if you read through my BLOG, you will find that I advocate strongly for getting people out of poverty, and for solutions to poverty, here in Halifax.

Part#1 of this question is:Here in Nova Scotia the income assistance rates for persons with disabilities is $950.00 a month. Out of that $950.00 monthly allowance. income assistance clients have to pay rent, Bills, and buy Groceries. I notice that your Circus has a registration fee for participants to join, which people on income assistance cannot afford to pay, Do you waive that fee to anyone who wants to participate, but cannot afford it?

Mike’s Answer - All Programs for youth with difficulty, and/or for those with disabilities, are free. They have been free for the 20 years of the Halifax Circus School’s existence. We have classes for the general public, and, we have reduced fees for people who cannot afford them. Anyone who is interested in taking classes but having income challenges, we will work things out where they can pay 50% or 25% of the registration fee.

Part#2 of this question is Do you agree that $950.00 is enough to live on and do you support Basic Guaranteed Income being a possible solution to poverty?

Mike’s Answer - Mike agrees that the answer is obvious, and this is a shameful amount. People cannot be expected to live on that limited amount of Income. Mike agrees that $950.00 a month and trying to live off that amount is very dehumanizing, especially for persons with disabilities who have special needs. Mike pointed out he knows able bodied people who are unable to find a place to live. They have regular jobs but sill live in a tent. Mike agrees we need a better system of Income Assistance, and more money to live on. $950.00 barely covers groceries and a bus ticket.

#5 – Is there anything else you would like to add about the Circus?

Mikes Answer – We are passionate about circus work and like to share that interest with people of all skill levels, and abilities. Halifax Circus School really tries hard to not turn away anyone who really wants to be there. In 20 year they have not had to turn anyone away yet.

So, Income Assistance recipients, if you are looking for opportunity to get out and socialize, beyond talking to people you see when standing in line at your food-banks and soup kitchens, or other programs like All Together Link, this may be your opportunity, if it appeals to you! 



Kendall Worth is an award-winning anti-poverty activist who lives with disabilities and tries to make ends meet on income assistance.
