A Message to Federal Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland

By Kendall Worth!



I am writing this post as the date of the federal budget draws very near - less then a few days away. It is the hope of myself, and others i advocate for, that, in this upcoming budget you will be reading a budget which keeps Canadians living in poverty top of mind.

It seems that in past federal budgets, nothing was done to improve the lives of our large population of people living in poverty. With inflation, plus low provincial income assistance rates, and the federal cpp disability payments being not a heck of a lot better, the government continues to prove that they failed math class. The following tweet, proves my points.

What that tweet points out is how people are feeling these days. I recently wrote a post with an update about the Canada Disability Benefit, which points out that the amount of the actual benefit remains a mystery. Persons with Disabilities across Canada, already believe that we are not going to see it this budget. Minster Freeland, I say, prove them wrong when you read the budget on the 16th of April.

Please take into account, as I pointed out in my recent post, how Inflation is hurting us and how the $300.00 on our Nova Scotia Income Assistance cheques is only a drop in the bucket of need. IN this post I point out another whole side as to why people are suffering these days with the cost of living.

Also, in this April Budget please announce that the Canadian Disability Benefit will be funded. Persons with Disabilities have been expected to live on next to nothing for years and this needs to change.

On one final note, Minster Freeland. This link is to a story about an Atlantic Canadian which provides an example of how the lives of many Persons with Disabilities could have been improved if the Disability Benefit already existed. Please draw your attention to this.

Lets always hope for a better future! 



  Kendall Worth is an award-winning anti-poverty activist who lives with disabilities and tries to make ends meet on income assistance.
