Sometimes We Need to Take a Break

By Kendall Worth!


Kendall Worth, Gary Burrill, & Margaret Anne


Regular readers may have noticed that over the past few weeks, only one new BLOG post has been posted. This is because I had been taking a break from journalism and advocacy. Sometimes taking a break is needed; especially in the type of advocacy I do through my BLOG. My advocacy is not only writing about the community but also comes from research, and the experiences of the people I advocate for. As pointed out in this post, I advocate for things like:

  • Solutions for getting people out of poverty, and social isolation, and improving mental health.

  • Improvement to the Mental Health System In Nova Scotia.

  • Change in the Nova Scotia Department of Community Services Employment Support and Income Assistance program.

  • Other solutions to solving Poverty and creating or improving programs.

  • Basic Income and/or increasing the Income Assistance rates.

  • Ways for people who are affected by poverty, and the policies that keep them in this situation, to live a less socially isolated life.

  • Issues that the Persons with Disability community suffer, and to stick up for the rights of persons with disabilities, and creating more opportunity for everyone affected.

Issues I raise in my BLOG come from the the fact that income assistance rates In Nova Scotia are too low, and as I have previously pointed out in this post: As of May 2023 60% or so, have received a $300.00 increase, but unfortunately, not all income assistance recipients got this increase. Good news for the ones who did qualify.

At times I need to take time to consider some rebranding of my blog, and to observe and consider how the community I advocate for, who qualify, are doing with that additional $300.

Something-Else has led to the this current situation is the stress from the Carrie Ann Bugden story. The Carrie Ann Bugden Story has been putting a lot of stress on me. A final blog about that story is coming soon. Also, as many of you regular readers know, another project I had been both advocating for and working with through my BLOG is the All Together Link. Funding is running out and the Project will come to an end in June 2024. Even though, for me, this project did not provide me with the benefits I had hoped for, it was great project/solution to social isolation while it lasted. A few events are still planned from now until the end of June. 


