Halifax Recently got a Visit from a National Disability Organization

 By Kendall Worth!

This is me with Rabia, who is with a National Disability Organization called Disability Without Poverty. This picture was taken while her organization was in Halifax visiting from July 8th till July 12th 2024. 

This national organization follows my BLOG on X (twitter)and the head office of this organization got in touch with me a week before Rabia's recent visit to Halifax.  They also saw as part of what I advocate for through my BLOG  I advocate for  Disability Rights https://worthmatters.blogspot.com/search/label/disability%20rights and my past reporting on the New Canadian Disability Benefit is extensive  https://worthmatters.blogspot.com/search/label/disability%20benefit

Disability without Poverty formed in 2021 when the Prime Minster made the announcement, about a disability benefit, (CDB)  in 2021. This organization is about pulling resources together and educating people on Disability Benefits and needs.  During my recent Interview, Rabia felt it is important to note; that the Prime Minister made the promise of the CDB in his throne speech in September 2020 and DWP launched in 2021 focused on raising awareness about disability poverty and the CDB.

 Readers, while on the subject of the new Canadian Disability Benefit, I just want to report on the the update.  Starting in July 2025, all Canadians with disabilities who qualify for this benefit will receive $200 a month. In Nova Scotia, and sources tell me at least three other provinces, it will not be clawed back from provincial Income Assistance.

While Rabia was in Halifax, her organization held 2 events where she heard first hand from the Disability Community  in Halifax Nova Scotia. I myself attended the one at the Central Library on July 8th 2024. The other was on July 10 2024 at Dartmouth North Grove, which I wrote about here.  Both events were well attended and Rabia appreciated the feedback and knowing that people in Halifax are ready to do their part in improving the disability benefit.

As a follow up question,  I asked Rabia:  What made you choose Halifax out of anywhere you could have gone?

She answered this question by saying Rabia knew about the Demographic of people living in Poverty in Halifax before she came to Halifax. Before coming to Halifax she was in contact with NS Leo, North Grove and the Nova Scotia Disability Rights Coalition. She spoke to persons with Disabilities, plus local Disability Organization,  before her visit to Halifax.

Lets hope, that in the future,  the Canadian Disability Benefit increases to a livable amount!
