AN interview with Hailie Tattrie

 By Kendall Worth!

To start off with talking a-bit about how I have gotten the pleasure of getting to know Hailie Tattrie in 2021 at a Coffee Get-together Social Justice Related activities/Groups.

Hailie is a member of Justice for Workers and she writes for Spring Magazine occasionally. Also she attends the Labour Day Event and is a regular supporter of Social Justice. I decided I wanted to interview her for my BLOG because I have also gotten to know over my past few years of getting to know her, she is:

The Bullet Points below this picture Describes in Detail who Hailie Tattrie is.  

  • An advocate for Solutions to Generational Poverty and for Voices Experiencing poverty to be heard.
  • A supporter of Justice
  • Comes from a low income family

Here is a U tube Video of Hailie speaking about Generational Poverty and solutions.

I encourage you to watch the above Video where Hailie gives a very Inspirational Speech about what she is a Strong Believer in, plus illustrates her Experiences.  It was because of what I saw her speaking about in this Video of her speaking is why I got interested in wanting to interview her for my BLOG.


Anyway I now invite you all to see below for my Interview with her.

 #1 Even from what I had learned from getting to know you over these couple of years as a person, do you come from a family made of people who were living in poverty during your childhood, or what can you say about in general how and why you got interested in the subject of Poverty - In other words is there a history behind how and why you got interested in this?

Answer: Hailie grew up in a working class family. She understands what it is like to be a family near the poverty line- as they at times would have certain amenities cut off, and would often struggle with affording to fill their oil tank . Where Hailie grew up, their was one main industry, a factory- called Oxford Frozen Foods.

#2 You are currently studying a PHD at Mount Saint Vincent from what I understand. The question here is: Does anything you are Studying at MSVU have any connection to your interest in poverty, Creating a solution, etc - if yes can you talk a bit about that?

Answer: Her background is in Sociology. She believes having that background leads to her having the understanding of Social Justice Issues. Studying her PHD gives her an understanding of these Issues at a Deeper Level.  

#3 Do you have any Views on Disabilities and Mental Health issues that keep people living in the situation where they are in poverty and if yes what are your views?

Answer – She has become intimately aware of these issues. Hailie was telling me during the interview that she had her own personal experiences where she has seen first-hand her mother almost lose her leg, and has since become a member of the disability community as she now walks with a cane and had to relearn to walk. Her own mother experiencing not being able to afford to live on Disability. Hailies mom had no choice but to work even though she struggles with not only issues from almost losing her leg but she also suffers from a chronic illness. While her mom was recovering from almost losing her leg she had to live with Hailie's grandparents as she could not afford to live on her own at the time. Her mom had to use the opportunity of living with Hailie’s grandparents to save money while recovering. Hailie’s mother could not afford any outside home support or homecare. It was challenging for Hailie’s Grandparents to help out with care for Hailie’s Mother. Hailie brought to my attention that if was not for her Grandparents Help/Support throughout all of this then Hailie would have had to have dropped out of School.

4. Could you describe to what it was like with Going to  Dalhousie at the time  trying to Finish your masters in Sociology while taking care of your mom throughout all of this?

Answer – Hailie’s Grandmother did most of the taking care of Hailie’s Mother during this time. Hailie however was in and out of the Hospital a lot throughout all of this. Hailie remembers writing her Thesis right in the Hospital Chair throughout all of this. Hailie’s Grandmother and Hailie were in and out of the hospital for months checking on her mom. This did add yet another side to what Stress’s people who live this situation as a whole I talk about on my BLOG.

           Currently, the Income Assistance rates in Nova Scotia are as follows.

Note - Enhanced Standard Household Rate of $950 per month, plus a $300 Disability Supplement for persons with Disabilities as of May 1st, 2024. Also Note - as of July 1st 2024 these rates went up by 2.5%.

The question here is Hailie Do you agree or Disagree that these Amounts listed above are enough to live on? As a second part to this Question, How do you feel about changes that need to happen to the system and in your opinion would Basic Guaranteed Income be a solution? Please talk about how you feel about why or why not?

Answer – Hailie believes and agrees that these amounts are not enough for people who receive income assistance to live on. As for her Thoughts on Basic Income, she has heard Arguments that UBI that the government would use the excuse that Government would not have to put money into Social Programs if UBI Existed.

5. When I see the word Generational Poverty, the first thought that comes to my mind is since Childhood, poverty IN some situations is all some persons living in poverty has ever known. How do you explain Generational Poverty?

Answer – Hailie sees this as a cycle. For example Hailie points out that students like herself whose families could not afford to pay for her schooling will come out of university with mountains of debts. Versus students who come from wealthy families who have a head start with no debt after graduate.. Hailie describes her mom as someone who would help her out with paying off her student loan if she had the funds.

So Hailie is no stranger to the various Situations of why we have a large population of people living in poverty. As you saw throughout the whole story she shared with me, she has to some extent experienced it herself growing up throughout childhood.
