An invatation to watch a Video on Disability Rights

 By Kendall Worth

Readers, one of my loyal BLOG supporters forwarded to me,  this video of an inclusive community lecture held on Monday, November 4, 2024. This year's theme was Living in Community is a Human Right. The event included an opening lecture by Vince Calderhead about the groundbreaking and historic Disability Rights Coalition human rights case against the Province of Nova Scotia. His address set the stage for the My Home My Rights project participants, who offered a first-voice exploration of what it looks like to live in the community with appropriate supports, and human rights respected. 




Before I decided to share this video on my BLOG, I spent 2 hours watching this video and this video highlights a lot that is related to the various solutions I advocate for on my BLOG. The Disability Support Program which I covered Here   and Here gets mentioned a lot through this Video. Also this 2 hour video highlights a lot that relates to social inclusion which I talk about Here .

 This video speaks a lot to  Disability Rights which is something else I raise awareness about,  and advocate for, on my BLOG.


I encourage you to take the time to watch this 2 hour video.
