At this point, a Human Rights Investigation is needed!

 By Kendall Worth


Evidence is becoming clear, to my community, that the Government of N.S. expects people to live on less money then the actual basic cost of living. Back in 2013, when the Liberal government of Stephen McNeil was first elected, they called for an Employment Support and Income Assistance Transformation. The “Transformation” continued when they got re-elected in 2017. However, that government of Steven MacNeil allowed the Employment support and Income Assistance Transformation to go so slowly, that people continued to suffer. The very first piece I wrote about ESIA transformation talks, was in part, about my own situation, but my issue was never resolved, and no else seems to have had their special diet restored through transformation either.

I have spoken extensively for the need for change in ESIA. From my last piece for the media co-op to the first in the N.S. Advocate, throughout my journalism in the Nova Scotia Advocate I talked about the ESIA transformation time and time again. However, throughout my publications in Nova Scotia, I also touch on other things that happen in the lives of ESIA Recipients.

When the so-called “transformation” first started, in 2013, the Income Assistance rate was $790.00 a month. Many, in my community, say that if the government of Stephen McNeil wanted to do the right thing they would have doubled the rate to $1580 a month, as a first business of government, so that people would have enough to live on. This did not happen.

A human rights investigation is needed due to the following factors:

  • Everyone who lost Special Diets between 2009 and 2013 did not have their special diets reinstated.

  • Our present government of Tim Houston, has no interest raising the Income Assistance rates or continuing “the transformation.”

  • The former Liberal Government allowed the ESIA transformation to move so slowly that the homeless population started rapidly increasing while still completing the so-called “Transformation”.

  • Inflation continues to be out of control, and this current Tim Houston Government is doing next to nothing to address this.

And unrelated to the Above:

  • Recently discovering that School Support Staff make only $200 to $400 more per month, than Income Assistance clients.

  • While the EPA Strike continues, Tim Houston is refusing to return to the bargaining table.

  • While for years advocates have demanded a livable basic income, this current Government continues hesitate and avoid making anything available.

  • Before rent control/the Rent Cap came into place in 2021, landlords had been raising rent constantly, and Income Assistance got nothing. No affordable housing got created at rapid speed.

The system comes with a lot of problems (as first explained here) :

  • Income Assistance (IA) Caseworkers are abusive toward clients, especially those who need help the most;

  • IA is full of bureaucratic nonsense and systemic problems while trying to qualify for what support is available;

  • Promotes living in social isolation

  • Causes ESIA clients to develop depression and anxiety

  • Provides insufficient money to live on;

  • Requires caseworkers to know too much personal information about you.

This specific article explains the main principle behind demanding an investigation. Even before this current Tim Houston government got elected, first voices have not got ahead, at all, throughout the so-called “transformation.”

And after the community found out that School Support Staff / EPA’s do not make much more money than IA recipients, the big question which comes up now is: What other jobs are there, where people do not make much more than welfare rates?

Expecting people to live on small incomes – whether the IA $950.00 standard household rate in Nova Scotia, someone on OAS/GIS receives, or the $1400.00 / $1500.00 a month that an EPA makes from working, the government expecting people to live on these amounts is a human rights travesty. Expecting people to live on amounts like the ones I just illustrated is what increase the homeless population and make people live and eat less healthy. 



Throughout the whole time of ESIA transformation, advocates have been demanding that the Government look at the Social Determinants of Health. Looking at Social Determinants of Health is what the Government should be looking at for Education Support workers, as well as any other type of occupation, where employees are currently getting starvation wages. There is no excuse whatsoever for an Education Support Worker to have to take on a second and third job, for them to be able to live. There is concern in my community that EPA’s are going to be next in joining the homeless population, if their wages do not substantially increase.

Tim Houston ask yourself the following question:

  • Wouldn't it be nice for those kids who need the services provided by their EPA’s to know that the EPA has a home, to go to at the end of the day?

The $2000 month offered during the short duration of CERB is what is needed for people to live on. And we cannot forget all the community services/ NGO’s trying to fill the gaps that the government refuses to fill. So thank you to all those service providers doing their best in an impossible situation.

Enough is Enough!
